
Welcome to MokshaShop!

Since I’ve just started MokshaPrints, I’m currently shipping International orders on an individual basis, in limited numbers and locations.

Below are the images with their titles and print options.

Please make your choices and email me the following details on

Title of Artwork

Type of Print (Paper or Canvas)

Size of Print

Your Email ID

Your mailing address

Mention MS Collector or MS NFT Holder, if you are own one of my artworks or NFTs and you’ll get 15% Off!

I will email you with a shipping quote and then you can proceed to pay me by PayPal.

My Paypal email ID is




Paper Print

10″x10″            $73       15% Off= $62

16″x 16″            $108     15% Off= $92

24″ x 24″          $184     15% Off= $156

Canvas Print

16″x 16″             $192      15% Off= $163

24″ x 24″            $246.    15% Off= $209









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